Wednesday, January 27, 2010

TWITTER: the good, the bad and the ugly of it all

Reasons why to use Twitter!!!!!!!!!!!!

I decided to focus on the cool, fun and, useful parts of Twitter.

The review of this social application is coming from ME, an individual who has never used Twitter before, a Twitter virgin (so to speak), a newbie, a beginner. I must say I was not toooooo keen on becoming a “tweeter” at first but I have now come to the realization of it's greatness.

Firstly, Twitter is super easy to sign up for. The instructions DO NOT ask for your blood type and your social insurance number hahaha!

Basic info is required and privacy settings are stated straight forward.

1. You either choose to have your “tweets” protected OR

2. You don’t.....

Secondly, Twitter is super fast. It is instantaneous much like any other social media application. You simply sign into your account and post whatever your heart desires. Underneath your personal rant, there is a page dedicated to all the individuals you follow and their latest “tweets”. It is easy to keep up with what others are saying.

Aesthetically Twitter, it is not too pleasing. I kind of think it is better that way. Basic colours and design are enough because Twitter has a basic purpose; to form relationships with people. It is used as a tool to connect and communicate.

With Twitter you have the power to create an image for yourself. You must however, do that in a 140 characters or less so, there is a need for some creativity. Ultimately your post reflects upon you.

Twitter is a free service created by Evan Williams, Jack Dorsey, and Biz Stone.

Checkout this brief article about it. It is an interview with Evan Williams answering some cool questions.

I've posted up a more personal touch to my review, here I am speaking more candidly about Twitter!

Twitter is easy to use and on top of that it is sooooooooo easy to maintain. You can tweet online, through text, or instant message.

My fellow colleague Nadine tackled the flip-side. Take a click on Nadine to see why it is NOT sooooo cool to be on Twitter.

ONE MORE THING: IN a 140 characters or less tell me what is on your mind this very second...


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